
Information About Med Spa Services

At Pretty Perfect You, our highly knowledgeable staff concentrates on numerous types of aesthetic and wellness services for adults in and around Miami, FL. We are excited to perform a diverse array of top-of-the-line treatments that work to bolster your confidence and restore your youthful glow. A few of our most requested services are wrinkle relaxers, dermal fillers, PDO thread lifts, semaglutide injections, and IV therapies.

Cosmetic Injections

Wrinkle Relaxers

Wrinkle relaxers, such as BOTOX® and Dysport®, soften fine lines and creases on the face by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause them.

Dermal Fillers

Our assortment of dermal fillers works by diminishing lines and wrinkles while adding volume to areas that have started to sag due to skin laxity.


KYBELLA treatments at our Miami, FL practice target unwanted fat pockets underneath the chin to produce a slimmer, more distinct facial profile.


Sculptra is an FDA-approved dermal filler used to replace missing volume in regions of the mid-face, including the cheeks and nasolabial folds.

Health and Wellness

B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 injections at our Miami, FL office can enhance your overall mood, energy levels, and well-being if you are dealing with a deficiency.

Semaglutide Injections

For those who are having trouble getting rid of excess pounds, we offer semaglutide injections, which promote weight loss by suppressing the appetite.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

A hormonal imbalance can lead to weight gain, low sex drive, and more, but hormone replacement therapy can help you regain control and comfort.

IV Therapy

IV therapy administers vitamins and minerals straight into the bloodstream to provide benefits, like boosting your energy and overall well-being.


PDO Thread Lift

A PDO thread lift in Miami, FL is a nonsurgical procedure that works by lifting and tightening the face without a lengthy or difficult recovery time.

Chemical Peel

We offer chemical peels in different grades and types to exfoliate your skin, which helps to minimize scarring, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.